Friday, February 5, 2016

Spinal Stenosis Treatment NJ

Spinal stenosis occurs when there is an abnormal narrowing of the bony canal through which nerves travel. This may result in compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots causing lumbar pain (for lower back spinal stenosis) or cervical pain (for spinal stenosis in the neck). New Jersey residents with spinal stenosis may not experience pain or symptoms initially, but may eventually require spinal stenosis treatment in NJ to alleviate associated pain, preserve and restore function and prevent paralysis. Initial treatment may include anti-inflammatory medications, steroid injections, and physical therapy. In more advanced cases, patients may require invasive or minimally invasive surgery to treat the stenosis.

Choosing the right spinal surgeon for treatment of spinal stenosis in NJ is paramount to achieving the best results. For many years, Dr. John D. Lipani has served the greater Princeton New Jersey and surrounding areas including New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Boston as well as international patients from Europe. Dr. Lipani is a leading neurosurgeon with advanced training and experience in complex and minimally invasive spinal surgery, specializing in spinal stenosis treatment in NJ.

There are many causes of spinal stenosis, including:
  • Excess bone growth (resulting from osteoarthritis)
  • Spinal fracture
  • Soft tissue overgrowth that compresses nerves against the bone
  • Herniated discs, tumors and thickened spinal ligaments that compress spinal nerves.
  • A congenitally narrowed spinal canal

If you experience the following symptoms, you may need spinal stenosis treatment in NJ:
  •  Low back pain with weakness, numbness, or tingling in one or both legs (especially when standing /walking)
  • Neck pain with weakness, numbness, or tingling in one or both arms
  • Burning pain through the buttocks and down the legs
  • Bladder and/or bowel control problems

When you speak to Dr. Lipani about symptoms associated with spinal stenosis, he will guide you through the entire process and provide you with the necessary information to help you choose the right treatment option. Dr. John D. Lipani is an experienced, fellowship trained, nationally recognized spinal surgeon using state-of-the-art techniques to foster a speedy and safe recovery.

For more information about spinal stenosis treatment in NJ, to schedule an appointment with Dr. John D. Lipani, or for more information about his practice in Greater Princeton NJ and surrounding areas, call Princeton Neurological Surgery at (609) 890-3400 or visit us on the web at:

Monday, February 1, 2016

Pinched Nerve Surgery NJ

Throughout our bodies, nerves transmit impulses of sensation to the spinal cord and brain which in turn send impulses to muscles and organs. Nerves allow your body to respond to stimuli by sending warning signals to you in the form of pain so you can localize the affected area and adjust your body to avoid injury.  A pinched nerve occurs when pressure is placed on a nerve. Pain is usually experienced distal or away from the actual point of compression since nerves often travel far distances from our spinal cord to our extremities. For example, a pinched nerve in the neck may cause pain in the arm or hand. A pinched nerve may also cause swelling, weakness, or paralysis in the affected arm or leg. It is important to speak with a spinal surgeon in NJ with extensive training and experience in the treatment of pinched nerves so that healthy neurologic function can be restored.

Dr. John D. Lipani is a board-certified, fellowship trained neurosurgeon who specializes in complex and minimally invasive spinal surgery, treating patients in Greater Princeton New Jersey and surrounding areas including New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and beyond. Dr. Lipani offers leading treatment methods, including minimally invasive pinched nerve surgery in NJ to resolve pain, numbness, and weakness. With many years of experience treating patients suffering from a pinched nerve, Dr. Lipani will guide you through the various treatment options and provide you with the information you need to make a well informed decision for treatment of pinched nerve in New Jersey.

A pinched nerve disrupts nerve function causing pain, numbness, tingling and weakness. There are many causes of pinched nerves including:
  • Repetitive motion or holding your body in one position for long periods
  • Disc protrusion or disc herniation
  • Injury
  • Sports Activities
  • Water and weight gain associated with pregnancy
  • Genetic predisposition to conditions leading to pinched nerves
  • Diabetes
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome

If you experience pain, numbness, a feeling that your foot or hand has “fallen asleep”, or burning sensations for several days, you should speak with a neurosurgeon to learn how to treat your condition.

Conservative efforts including ibuprofen, oral corticosteroids and physical therapy may be prescribed before resorting to pinched nerve surgery in NJ. If these methods fail to reduce or eliminate your symptoms, minimally invasive spinal surgery or conventional spinal surgery may be recommended. It is important to note that sudden weakness, intractable pain, or significant numbness may warrant expedient surgical intervention in an effort to preserve and restore function.

Minimally invasive pinched nerve surgery in NJ allows for smaller incisions, reduced blood loss, shorter recovery periods and less postoperative discomfort. Dr. John D. Lipani has restored function and relieved symptoms in thousands of patients in New Jersey and abroad. Dr. Lipani also performs successful surgery on patients who have failed to achieve optimal results by other spine surgeons.

For more information about pinched nerve surgery in NJ, contact Dr.John D. Lipani at (609) 890-3400 or visit Princeton Neurological Surgery, serving residents of Greater Princeton New Jersey and surrounding areas on the web at:

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Herniated Disc Surgery in NJ

A herniated disc often involves neck pain (for cervical disc herniations) or low back pain (for lumbar disc herniations).  A disc herniation involving the cervical spinal column or neck region may progress from neck pain to pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the arm, hand and/or fingers.  A disc herniation involving the lumbar spinal column or low back may progress from low back pain to pain, numbness, tingling and weakness involving the leg, feet and/or toes.  Patients may also experience clumsiness or difficulty performing fine hand motor tasks or difficulty walking and maintaining balance.  Other symptoms may involve bladder dysfunction with increased urinary frequency, hesitancy, or inability to void.  Some disc herniations may cause compression of the spinal cord while others may impinge upon a nerve root. The location of the herniated disc will determine the symptoms.  If a disc herniation is suspected, urgent evaluation by a neurosurgeon is highly recommended in an effort to prevent permanent disability. 

Dr. John D. Lipani has many years of experience treating patients suffering from herniated disc s. Dr Lipani performs herniated disc surgery inNJ with practice locations in Hamilton, New Jersey serving the Greater Princeton New Jersey area and Bridgewater New Jersey serving the Somerset County, New Jersey region and beyond. Dr. Lipani offers leading treatment methods, including minimally invasive surgery to resolve pain, numbness, tingling and weakness due to a herniated disc and can restore spinal function and quality of living.

A herniated disc occurs when the outer portion of an intervertebral disc ruptures and the softer jelly-like inner core material protrudes out and compresses the spinal cord or nerve root.  The most common causes of herniated discs include daily wear-and-tear that leads to chronic degenerative changes and trauma to the spinal column.   

Dr. Lipani will guide you through all treatment options available for treatment of your unique condition. Initial treatment options generally include bed rest, pain medication, physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation and epidural steroid injections.  If conservative efforts fail to control symptoms, herniated disc surgery in NJ may be recommended.  It is important to note that sudden weakness, intractable pain, or significant numbness may warrant expedient surgical intervention in an effort to preserve and restore function. 

Technological advances allow for innovative treatment methods like minimally invasive herniated disc surgery in NJ.  Minimally invasive techniques allow for smaller incisions, reduced blood loss, shorter recovery periods and less postoperative discomfort.  Dr. Lipani has extensive experience treating herniated discs in NJ and has restored function and relieved symptoms in thousands of patients with herniated discs in NJ.  Dr. Lipani is a board-certified fellowship trained neurosurgeon who treats patients in greater Princeton New Jersey and surrounding regions including New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware and international patients.  Dr. Lipani also performs successful surgery on patients who have failed to achieve optimal results by other spine surgeons.

For more information about herniated disc surgery in NJ, contact Dr.John D. Lipani at (609) 890-3400 or visit Princeton Neurological Surgery, serving residents of Greater Princeton New Jersey and surrounding areas on the web at:

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Spinal Fusion in NJ

Spinal fusion in NJ should only be performed by spinal surgeons (neurosurgeons or orthopedic surgeons) who have undergone highly specialized training in complex spinal surgery. A board certified, fellowship-trained neurosurgeon, Dr. John D. Lipani spent several years at the Delaware Valley Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center at Jefferson, one of the nation’s 16 centers of excellence for spinal disorders and completed a fellowship at NYU Medical Center in neurosurgery with a focus on complex spinal surgery. His many years of experience treating complex spinal conditions have contributed to consistent superior outcomes.  Dr. Lipani treats patients in the greater Princeton New Jersey and surrounding areas including New York, Boston, Pennsylvania and Delaware as well as international patients from Europe.  In addition, a large portion of Dr. Lipani’s patients are individuals who have failed surgery with other surgeons.

There are two main goals when performing spinal fusion in NJ: 1) restore structural integrity of the spinal column and 2) decompress and protect the spinal cord and nerve roots from compression. These goals are achieved by first removing parts of the bony spinal column that constrict or compress the neural elements and then stabilizing the spinal column to prevent further injury.  Fusion is performed by joining two or more segments of vertebrae together.  The vertebrae are held together with titanium hardware while bone graft is used to join one vertebra to the other.  While there is often fear and hesitation associated with spinal fusion surgery, if performed correctly, for the proper indications, spinal fusion surgery often prevents permanent dysfunction and restores quality of life.  On the other hand, spinal fusion performed by inexperienced and poorly trained surgeons can be devastating for the patient.  Dr. John D. Lipani is an experienced, fellowship trained, and nationally recognized spinal surgeon serving Greater Princeton, New Jersey and surrounding areas using state-of-the-art techniques.

Spinal fusion requires expert care before, during and after surgery.  Making an accurate diagnosis and understanding the necessary treatment is the most important first step.  Once surgery is recommended, the patient’s ability to undergo the surgical procedure must be determined by your surgeon and other pertinent health care providers.  During surgery, the procedure must go safely and efficiently and the surgeon must also be able to manage unforeseen issues to preserve and restore spinal cord function.  After surgery, patients should be properly monitored to avoid postoperative complications and to foster a speedy and safe recovery.

Choosing an experienced neurosurgeon to perform spinal fusion surgery is imperative to achieving the best outcomes. When you speak to Dr. Lipani about spinal fusion in NJ surgery, he will guide you through the entire process and provide you with the necessary information and attention to help you make the right treatment decision.   

Spinal surgeries performed by Dr. Lipani include:

For more information about spinal fusion in NJ, to schedule an appointment with Dr. John D. Lipani, or for more information about his practice in Princeton NJ and surrounding areas of NJ, call Princeton Neurological Surgery at (609) 890-3400 or visit us on the web at:

Monday, December 28, 2015

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery NJ

Dr. John D. Lipani is a leading neurosurgeon with advanced training and experience in complex and minimally invasive spinal surgery serving Greater Princeton NJ and surrounding areas. His advanced techniques and clinical expertise contribute to superior results.  Recent developments and technological innovations have allowed many spinal conditions to be treated with minimally invasive spine surgery in NJ, now available to many of Dr. Lipani’s patients. Typically, minimally invasive spine surgery is performed through a penny-sized incision to relieve symptoms, restore function and quality of life.

Dr. Lipani performs minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) in NJ by utilizing fluoroscopic (real-time x-ray) image guidance to navigate through small openings. The benefits of MISS include shorter recovery time, reduced blood loss, smaller incisions and less post-operative discomfort. While minimally invasive spine surgery in NJ may not be appropriate in all cases, common indications include discectomies or spinal decompression surgery and spinal fusion. When speaking with Dr. Lipani about your condition, he will explain all your treatment options to help you make a speedy and definitive recovery.

With minimally invasive spine surgery in NJ, some patients will not require overnight hospital stays. Others may be required to stay for 1-2 days, dependent on the spinal surgery performed. Because of the small incision and minor disruption to muscles and soft tissue, patients can expect less post-operative pain compared with traditional, open spinal surgery. Some patients may require a short course of physical therapy after surgery while others may resume their normal daily activities in as early as 24 hours.

Spinal conditions commonly treated by Dr. Lipani with minimally invasive surgery include:

If you or a loved one is experiencing pain, numbness, tingling or weakness associated with a spinal condition, please seek medical attention right away as some conditions may result in permanent loss of function if left untreated.

For more information about minimally invasive spine surgery in NJ, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. John D. Lipani, contact Princeton Neurological Surgery at (609) 890-3400 or visit our website at:

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Neurosurgeon in Princeton, NJ

When faced with a neurosurgical condition it is important to understand all available treatment options including the risks, benefits and objectives of each.  The field of neurosurgery is continuously evolving and conditions that previously required an invasive surgical procedure may now potentially be treated using either a minimally invasive or noninvasive approach. If you are looking for a neurosurgeon in Princeton NJ, Dr.John D Lipani is a neurosurgeon serving Greater Princeton, New Jersey and surrounding areas. In addition to conventional neurosurgery, Dr. Lipani offers radiosurgery, an alternative to open brain and spine surgery, for appropriate candidates suffering from brain and/or spine tumors.  Dr. Lipani also treats degenerative spinal disease such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis and spinal instability with state-of-the-art minimally invasive techniques.  At Princeton Neurological Surgery, Dr. Lipani provides patients with an individualized approach to obtain a precise diagnosis and provide the best treatment options to achieve uncompromised results.   

A board certified, fellowship-trained neurosurgeon in Princeton NJ, Dr. Lipani is revered as a specialist in complex brain and spine surgery including brain tumor surgery, spine tumor surgery and spinal fusion surgery.  He is one of a few neurosurgeons worldwide with a fellowship in CyberKnife radiosurgery which is used to treat tumors in the brain and spine without making any incision and without anesthesia.  His dedication to radiosurgery has afforded Dr. Lipani inclusion into three internationally recognized advisory review boards as a leading expert in brain and spine radiosurgery. “I think it’s extremely important “, says Dr. Lipani, “that patients are informed of their noninvasive neurosurgical options when considering brain or spine surgery, especially when a noninvasive approach can have clear advantages with respect to patient outcome and recovery”.  With expertise in conventional open surgery, minimally invasive surgery and noninvasive surgery Dr. Lipani is able to help patients select the treatment strategy that is most appropriate for their condition. 

Dr. Lipani performs procedures for treatment of numerous cranial and spinal conditions including:

Dr Lipani offers state-of-the-art neurosurgical treatment for numerous conditions such as: brain tumor, spine tumor, herniated disc, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, neurogenic claudication, cervical myelopathy, cervical radiculopathy, cervical spondylosis and others.  Dr. Lipani provides patients with the care and attention necessary to help them make well-informed treatment decisions for a speedy and definitive recovery.

If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms associated with a brain or spine condition, please seek medical attention right away.

For more information about Dr. John D. Lipani, a leading neurosurgeon in Princeton NJ and surrounding areas in NJ, call Princeton Neurological Surgery at (609) 890-3400 or visit us online at:

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Herniated Disc Specialist NJ

Pain associated with a herniated disc can seriously impact a person’s daily habits, routines, and quality of life. Dr. Lipani is a board-certified, fellowship-trained herniated disc specialist in NJ and can restore patient’s good health with definitive surgical treatment methods. Dr. Lipani provides each patient with the care and attention necessary to completely explain the problem, provide expert diagnosis, and recommend clear treatment strategies with minimal discomfort and reduced recovery time.

A herniated disc is also referred to as a ruptured or slipped disc. Though the pain can be intense, a herniated disc is a common condition resulting from gradual wear and tear or from a spinal injury that causes a disc, or discs, to bulge or degenerate. This may lead to the softer inner portion of the vertebral disc to herniate through the fibrous outer layer and press up against a nerve root. If the herniated disc does not compress a nerve, patients are less likely to feel pain associated with this condition. Dr. Lipani is an expert herniated disc specialist in NJ who can eliminate herniated disc pain by removing the offending herniated disc material when necessary.

Patients suffering from a herniated disc should be evaluated by a herniated disc specialist in NJ. Herniated disc patients may experience the following symptoms:
  • Neck pain (if the disc herniation occurs in the neck region)
  • Low back pain (if the disc herniation occurs in the low back region)
  • Pain, numbness and/or tingling in the arms or legs
  • Pain in the low back that radiates into the buttock
  • Weakness in the arms or legs

The severity of a herniated disc often helps to determine the necessary course of action. Many disc herniations are initially treated conservatively and symptoms often resolve without surgery. Unrelenting and worsening symptoms may require surgical intervention. Acute onset of weakness may also be an indication for surgical intervention. Often, an MRI is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. When patients meet with Dr. Lipani, he may recommend bed rest, pain medication, physical therapy, epidural steroid injections, or herniated disc surgery. Most patients initially present to their primary care physician. If the primary care physician has a high suspicion for herniated disc, he or she may refer the patient to see a herniated disc specialist in NJ such as Dr. Lipani. Dr. Lipani’s expert diagnosis, and treatment methods help patients to restore function and achieve a pain-free life.

For more information about Dr. Lipani, a herniated disc specialist in NJ, contact Princeton Neurological Surgery at (609) 890-3400 or visit him online at